Passive Voice (voz passiva)


A voz passiva em inglês é uma construção gramatical usada para enfatizar a ação em si e o objeto que recebe a ação, ao invés de focar no sujeito que realiza a ação. A voz passiva é formada pelo verbo "to be" conjugado no mesmo tempo verbal da ação, seguido do particípio passado do verbo principal. Em muitos casos, o agente da ação (a pessoa ou coisa que realiza a ação) é introduzido pela preposição "by", embora nem sempre seja necessário mencioná-lo.

Aqui está uma tabela com exemplos de voz passiva em todos os tempos verbais principais:

Tempo Verbal

Voz Ativa

Voz Passiva

Simple Present

They make the cake.

The cake is made (by them).

Present Continuous

They are making the cake.

The cake is being made (by them).

Present Perfect

They have made the cake.

The cake has been made (by them).

Simple Past

They made the cake.

The cake was made (by them).

Past Continuous

They were making the cake.

The cake was being made (by them).

Past Perfect

They had made the cake.

The cake had been made (by them).

Simple Future

They will make the cake.

The cake will be made (by them).

Future Continuous

They will be making the cake.

The cake will be being made (by them). *

Future Perfect

They will have made the cake.

The cake will have been made (by them).

*Note que a construção "Future Continuous" na voz passiva ("will be being made") é muito rara e pouco natural em inglês. Em vez disso, os falantes nativos tendem a usar outras formas para expressar a mesma ideia, como a voz ativa ou a voz passiva simples no futuro.

Lembre-se de que nem todos os verbos podem ser usados na voz passiva, especialmente verbos intransitivos que não possuem um objeto direto.



Converta as frases da voz ativa para a voz passiva:

Simple Present:

a) She writes a letter.

b) They open the store every day.

Present Continuous:

a) The chef is preparing the meal.

b) The workers are building the bridge.

Present Perfect:

a) The artist has painted a beautiful mural.

b) They have completed the project.

Simple Past:

a) The scientist discovered a new element.

b) He broke the window.

Past Continuous:

a) They were renovating the house.

b) She was playing the violin.

Past Perfect:

a) The storm had damaged the crops.

b) They had organized the event.

Simple Future:

a) The author will publish her book.

b) The gardener will plant the flowers.

Future Perfect:

a) They will have finished the report by Friday.

b) She will have learned English by next year.


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